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THINK BIG and Celebrate a 10 out of 10: The Moment When You are Fully Satisfied with Your Skills

Writer's picture: Coco DecrouppeCoco Decrouppe

🐵 We want to grow and achieve our goals,...

🙊 We also want to remain down-to-earth and “selfless” …

🙉 And we know there is always room for improvement and a higher bar that we need to achieve to show ourselves or our managers that we are motivated.

These are just a few reasons why in terms of happiness we often do now reach a 10 out of 10 on a scale. Although things are actually going pretty well at the moment, the number 10 seems a bit too bold, a little out of reach or feels too saturated.

✅💡But healthy leadership also means that we recognize the moments when we are completely satisfied with our skills and abilities. That means being able to say: “My time management skill is really good at the moment. I give myself a 10 out of 10 here. There is not much I need to improve here right now."

Even if it's difficult: these great moments that you can and should celebrate. Progress, successes and milestones are also celebrated in a business context. It should be the same with personal and professional development!

Self-assessment in coaching

As a coach, I always start a coaching journey with a small self-check. I ask the coachee to evaluate how satisfied (not perfect!) they currently are with certain skills. I use a simple scale from 1 to 10 (1 = not at all satisfied, 10 = completely satisfied).

In this first assessment most coachees answer in the range of 3 - 7 on the scale. Most skills are viewed critically, which is completely natural. Try it out now: How do you rate your satisfaction with the following skills right now?

⚪️ Give feedback

⚪️ Delegate

⚪️ Say no

⚪️ Don't take things too personally

⚪️ Create a “we” feeling in the team

⚪️ Time management

⚪️ Inner peace/balance

⚪️ ...

However, after a coaching cycle (usually 6x45 minutes) it is always great to see how the values on the scale have increased. In the final evaluation, most of the values are significantly higher and the coachee noticeably and measurably feels a positive change! For example, many young leaders feel more empowered and calm in their leadership role.

But even in the first coaching session I motivate my coachees with: THINK BIG - THINK BIG! After all, there are always things that we feel we can do well and that we are satisfied with. Even if the 10 out of 10 takes courage, it's ok to celebrate yourself sometimes and say "That's right for me". (Of course everything according to your own, authentic leadership style and feeling!)

My conclusion on self-assessment and healthy leadership:

The 10/10 in #LEADERSHIP EVERYDAY means:

✅ When it comes to #SELF-LEADERSHIP: Be satisfied with your abilities and consciously enjoy the moment. It can be just one item on the list and just a few minutes of celebration BUT it is important. Because yes, tomorrow your self-assessment may look different again.

✅ In matters for #CONVERSATIONS: Communicate satisfaction transparently. Reflect together with your counterpart. Tell your employee when you are 10 out of 10 satisfied with his/her skills. This way you can encourage them, motivate them and support them in their development in their role! Praising employees is always always always possible!

✅ In matters for #TEAM LEADERSHIP: Think BIG and know that you can still stay in contact with the ground! Successes and good phases should be recognized and consciously perceived. You can always improve, but teams also need the motivation to thrive for success.

What does that mean?

Dare to say that you are 10/10 happy with something and celebrate it. Whether for yourself, together with your team or both! (The principle can also be used well in private life!) Actually, there is always a point/aspect where the full number of points is given.

Little Video Memory: Thinking BIG on a 10 out of 10, with my great coachee Adriana Victoria López Núñez from Lieferando for business at ZukunftPersonal 2023 in Cologne.



Coco Decrouppe

Kanzowstraße 8

10439 Berlin


Phone: +49 160 3340404​


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